Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) - Jersey

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

PMDD can have a severe negative impact on a woman’s life and can feel emotionally exhausting. Effective treatment can help relieve this.


PMDD with Jersey Women’s Health Hub

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a hormone-based mood disorder which is prevalent during the menstrual cycle.

While PMDD is directly connected to the menstrual cycle, it is not a hormone imbalance. PMDD is a severe negative reaction in the brain to the natural rise and fall of oestrogen and progesterone.

The Details

Am I suffering from PMS or PMDD?
How can we help with PMDD?

Am I suffering from PMS or PMDD?

PMS is largely defined by physical issues and some mild mood disturbance. Symptoms are usually present during the second half of your cycle and tend to improve as your period begins.

PMDD is diagnosed by its mental health implications; mood disturbances are often more extreme. Those who suffer from PMDD can become very distressed and the emotional symptoms can be overwhelming. 

Moods often fluctuate from one day to the next, leading to severe anxiety to the person suffering as well as their family, friends or colleagues, disrupting interpersonal relationships and therefore leading to major distress and upset.

How can we help with PMDD?

During your appointment, we will review your symptoms as well as your medical and menstrual history, working to find a management plan that suits you.

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